Coffee with NNAHRA – August
VirtualCoffee with NNAHRA and Jessica Yelnick - Post Pandemic Compassion Fatigue
The Role of the Vaccine in the Tribal workplace. Guiding you through the misinformation and how to protect your Tribal workforce.
In response to the ongoing challenges with COVID, tribal employers continue to strive to best serve their employees and communities by implementing best practices that generate a safe workplace and other work arrangements that meet the needs of employers and employees. In this conversation we will discuss those best practices, present some respectful recommendations and [...]
**SOLD OUT*** The Tribal Human Resources Professional (THRP) Certification Summit
Talking Stick Resort & Hotel 9800 E Talking Stick Way, Scottsdale, AZ, United StatesNNAHRA and Drummond Woodsum have joined forces to take the Tribal Human Resources Professional (THRP) training virtual. This 6 session online course will provide HR Professionals in Indian Country with the practical knowledge and skills they need to handle the unique employment challenges facing tribal governments and their enterprises. Participants will learn and apply employment [...]
Coffee with NNAHRA
Details to come
NNAHRA Leadership Essentials- ” Leadership”
More details to come.
NNAHRA Leadership Essentials-” Culture”
More details to come
NNAHRA Leadership Essentials- “GUEST”
Details to come
HR in Indian Country presented by NNAHRA & OK HR
This is an online eventDecember 7 & 8, 2021 10 am - 3:30 pm Use code "NNAHRA2021" for a discounted rate of $99
Coffee with NNAHRA – Risk Retention Strategies
Our speaker is Mark Patrick, Sr. Vice President with Alliant Insurance Services. We will be covering a few key topics within this subject, such as: 1. When is the right time to self insure. 2. Is there an alternative to fully insured that also keeps your risk in line with your cash flow. 3. Once [...]
THRP- Virtual Session***Limited Seating***
NNAHRA and Drummond Woodsum have joined forces to take the Tribal Human Resources Professional (THRP) training virtual. This 6 session online course will provide HR Professionals in Indian Country with the practical knowledge and skills they need to handle the unique employment challenges facing tribal governments and their enterprises. Participants will learn and apply employment [...]
Coffee with NNAHRA-Building Your 2022 Talent Acquisition Toolkit
Our Guest Speaker, Tim Hawk, Sr. VP Talent Strategy of NAS Recruitment Innovation will guide us through the comprehensive tools for successful recruiting in 2022 featuring Testing, Assets, Messaging & Strategy. Join Webinar
Upcoming DiSC® Certification dates
Click here to register for your DISC Certification
Coffee with NNAHRA- Lead Between with Jessica Yelnick
Now that we’ve been on the ride of our lives for a long duration of time, we are all feeling the compression of the stress it has placed on our lives. Where do we have the opportunity to choose how we respond to the twists and turns this ride keeps giving us as leaders? This session is [...]
NIGC’s Emphasis on Preparedness, (EPHS) and Safety in Tribal Gaming with Eddie Ilko
Eddie Ilko serves as Safety and Occupational Health Manager for the National Indian Gaming Commission, an independent federal regulatory agency established within the Department of the Interior. In this position, Eddie provides expertise and guidance in the areas of Environmental, Public Health and Safety for the purpose of carrying out the Agency’s statutory requirements. Additionally, [...]
The Tribal Human Resources Professional (THRP) Certification
Agua Caliente Casino Resort Spa 32-250 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, United States
Coffee with NNAHRA Presents- The Great Resignation: How its Impacting Healthcare.
Meet your presenters Laura Kleffner, Vice President of Marketing Operations, Practice Match Tim Hawk, Senior Vice President, Talent Strategy, NAS Recruitment Innovation
2022 NNAHRA 25th ANNUAL Conference
Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki 2005 Kalia Rd., Honolulu, HI, United StatesClick here to register
Coffee with NNAHRA and Nava- An Insider’s Guide to Simplifying the Benefits RFP Process
Amidst the Great Reshuffle, the stakes have never been higher to get benefits right. More than half of your current employees are considering a new job, hiring is intensely competitive, the needs of employees have vastly shifted in the last year alone, and HR is juggling more than ever before. To add on to all [...]
Coffee with NNAHRA presents- Impact of the CARES Act on Tribal Plans
Meet your presenter Tyler Anderson, CRPS , Vice President National Sales Tribal Markets, Mutual of America